Tuesday, 16 November 2010

True Matriot Love

Originally posted on Multiply Sep 24, '09 12:40 PM

 My talented friend Barbara McPherson ( a short piece of her writing is on this blog somewhere) sent me this poem. YES. My sacred mother Earth is the love of my life.

My country is this dirt

that gathers under my fingernails

when I am in the garden.

The quiet bacteria and fungi,

all the little insects and bugs

are my compatriots. They are

idealistic, always working together

for the common good.

I kneel on the earth

and pledge my allegiance

to all the dirt of the world,

to all of that soil which grows

flowers and food

for the just and unjust alike.

The soil does not care

what we think about or who we love.

It knows our true substance,

of what we are really made.

I stand my ground on this ground,

this ground which will


recruit us all

to its side.

"Patriotism" by Ellie Schoenfeld, from The Dark Honey. © Clover Valley Press, 2009. Published with permission. (buy now)

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