Saturday, 9 February 2013

Thank You, ICBC!

ICBC is the Insurance Company of British Columbia, our socialized car insurance.

Shortly after the accident several people warned me to be on my guard and prepare to get a lawyer. I decided to wait and see. Maybe some people have had a bad experience  and needed a lawyer, but I am not one of them.

At every step of the way, we have received nothing but good service and kindness from the many people working in the system. During recovery we got a state of the art ramp, a brand-new super comfortable wheelchair, a hospital bed, and whatever paraphernalia an invalid needs. We got all the Home Support we needed. We got compensation for accident-related odds and ends, all  without having to beg and wrangle.

In return, I promised total honesty at our end. I could have claimed potential lost income from Reflexology, but I had taken a leave of absence for the summer and told them so.

Yesterday the claim was officially closed with a cash settlement. If it turns out later that I am more damaged than it now appears I am out of luck, this is it. It was entirely my choice to get the money while the getting is good. There was no pressure to settle now instead of waiting longer. 

THANK YOU, claim manager Jennifer Stroes and everyone at ICBC.
You have my permission to use this if you want.

Health update:
Seven months post-accident and almost as long post-colon surgery I feel fine, as long as I remember to pace myself. I got over a bad bug that has been dubbed the 100 day cold AKA the plague in about 2 weeks. It tried to become bronchitis but got stopped at the border. Thank you, immune system! 

My hand and arm healed fine. Yesterday I climbed the stairs to the Library the regular way, instead of dragging the right leg up after the left. In daily life my knee does not hurt, we will have to see what happens when I start being more active in summer. Any remaining weakness is a matter of doing the exercises prescribed by our brilliant physiotherapist. There is bounce in the old gal yet. 

I feel very fortunate.


  1. That is so nice of you to appreciate what so many when the do get good service take it for granted............your vibe brings to you the good you deserve my friend

    1. I don't like to live in a climate of suspicion. We tend to hear more about the times when things go wrong than when they go right. Important to keep the record straight.

  2. Nice to hear a story about fair treatment. And happy to hear you are doing so much better.


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