Tuesday, 9 April 2013

The Exam Effect

In a fit of hubris and optimism about my own level of energy I agreed to give a talk on sustainability at the Burton learning center, formerly the elementary school. The closure of the school is a result of the greying of the population. Never mind, that is another topic.

When I promised to do this I figured I`d have all winter to prepare. Yeah, right.  To make a long story short, we are on for Earth day, I am wondering what I let myself in for, and I am trying to get  a nice presentation together. As usual, I only start going when the pressure is on, and once that is the case I am wistfully thinking that if only I had more time I would do a better job. B.S. Let's get real.

It reminds me of studying for the big oral exams a lifetime ago. I'd linger and procrastinate, and once the deadline loomed I'd really get into it and want to read all sorts of extra  material. I'd imagine that I would keep reading old articles in obscure little magazines about, say, the role of political pamphlets in 18th century France. Of course I never did.

Meanwhile the garden season is on. This year started with a backlog because last fall I could not do a thing. What was I thinking?

1 comment:

  1. I think we all procrastinate to a degree. For example, I know I need to see my doctor but last time I went he said there was nothing wrong, so maybe I can put it off...

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